Dear Madi, From Daddy
Dear Madilyn,
I love you. More than anything. Your mother, my lovely wife, asked me to write you a letter. So here goes nothing. You were born August 31st, 2010, the day after Mommy turned 17 and a little over a month after I turned 18. Naturally, being such a young couple, our pregnancy was a little unexpected. We were nervous as could be, but we were also beyond excited. I remember sitting with Mommy wondering what you would look like, who you would take after, and even what your cry would sound like. Well nine months roll by and the day comes that you're about to enter the big scary world. I'm scared. You have no idea how scared I was. To be honest, I had no idea what to expect, but the time was now and you were coming. Ready or not. I've never experienced and will never again experience anything as frightening and beautiful as your birth. You gave us all quite a scare, booger! I remember the doctors rushing you out of the room and the intensity of all these unfamiliar emotions hitting me at once. You were finally here, you were real. You were beautiful. Beyond perfect.
Our first moment together, I gave you my finger and you immediately grabbed it, held it tightly, and just slightly opened your eyes up at me. "Oh my god" I thought to myself, my eyes starting to tear up. You were looking at me and holding MY finger, as if you knew I was scared. As if you were trying to calm me down and say that everything is ok. In that exact moment, I knew that I became Daddy and you became Baby and that I would do anything for you.
I will always love you, always protect you, always care for you, and I will always provide for you. Today is September 26, 2012. It's been over two years since that day and I love you still now. Just like I always will. I love you more and more everyday. You constantly surprise me with how smart you are. You are a gorgeous little girl with pretty eyes and bouncy brown curls. Your favorite word seems to be "no" right now. You love your family and you love your animals, especially puppies. "PupPups." You really love the outdoors and more than anything you love to swing. And I love swinging you. I'll push you really high and hold you there until you giggle and say "Ready, GO!" It worries Mommy, but we don't care. We just laugh and keep swinging. ;) You love to kiss and hug. And as much as I wipe your big wet kisses off, I secretely love them. Shhh. Don't tell Mommy. While Mommy was pregnant I would always ask her "what if she doesn't like me?" to which she would reply, "She'll love you. You're her Daddy." I don't know why I ever worried. Your face lights up as soon as I walk in the door. It melts my heart.
I'm going to wrap this letter up, but I could write for days about you. You're simply amazing. Perfect beyond words and explanations. I love you with all my heart and much much more.
Love, Daddy
loving your blog! your little girl is precious!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! :)