Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Starting Over

Those who know me, know that I am a runner. Well, with that being said, I haven't ran (consistently) in about 5 weeks. The last time I ran was on vacation in Florida. Once we got back, my mini-mester anatomy and physiology class started and I found myself with my head shoved in a book 24/7. It has made it extremely hard to find time to run. Excuses, excuses, I know...

I truly believe that you have to MAKE time to exercise. But I also believe in having priorities. I made up my mind that for the 6 weeks I was in this class, my time should be devoted to it and that I should give it all that I have for those short(ish) weeks. The first day of class, as I was packing my backpack, I threw in running clothes and put my tennis shoes in my car. I was hopeful that I would find the time after class, at least some times to go for a run. Those clothes have sat in my book bag for almost 5 weeks now and I hate that.

Yesterday, I got out of class early, finished my paper 3 days before it was due, was caught up on quizzes, and didn't have to start the next chapter material until the following day. I didn't know what to do... but then I realized that I was a block from my favorite running spot, with all the clothes I needed, and I had an hour to spare! I was thrilled.

I went to the restroom, changed clothes and went to my car. When I got to my car, I realized that I only had one sock (makes for uncomfortable running), no headphones for music (blah), and didn't have a water bottle with me. But at this point, I didn't care at all. "Naked" runs are cleansing for me. No distractions, just you and the road you're on. (my bare toes ramming into the front of my shoe was a tad distracting though...)

I went to the beginning of the trail and started stretching. I noticed myself rushing a little because I was so anxious to just GO! But I finished and started walking. I set my Nike app up and I started running. It felt so good. I had to stop myself from sprinting once I got started. I felt like I could run forever. Those muscles working again like they should felt amazing.

It was over 95 degrees fahrenheit outside, I had one missing sock, no water, and no music. But it was the best feeling I've felt in awhile.

I burnt out pretty quickly, but that was expected. Your body can't go a month without running and then pick up and perform like it never missed a beat. And I knew that, so I was satisfied. I walked back to the car and went to get a route 44 ice water from sonic. I'm a little sore today, but I can't wait to go again tomorrow. Now that my class is winding down, I can take my head out of the textbook and start living like a normal human being again. Well, hopefully ;)

"If you're tired of starting over, stop quitting."

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