Friday, January 11, 2013

Roots to Branches

I had a post scheduled for today, but after yesterday, I decided it could wait.
We went for a play date with my best friend and her nephew at a nearby park yesterday. But let me start off by telling you about Holly, for those that don't know. We met in 7th grade dance and have been sisters ever since. I can honestly say that she is the closest person to my heart that doesn't share my own blood. She has been there for me no matter what happened and I can't imagine not having her there to talk to for hours and hours. My best memories growing up involve her, and I'm so happy to say that it will continue on that way.
But back to our day... we spent the day with her and her nephew Izzy. We have had several play dates before but for some reason, this one struck me the most. I think it's the age that they both are now. He's 3 and she's 2. They are at the age where they can actually talk to each other and have a good time together, but still do their own thing. We went to a park in the Woodlands and we played for awhile. Then Izzy said, "Let's just go on an adventure!" and so we all went walking into the "forest" as he called it, which was just the woods behind the park. Madi had so much fun throwing sticks into the water with him and walking along the pathways holding his hand. At one point, she let go of his hand to come and hold mine and he said, "she let go" and had a frown on his face. It melted my heart. It all just reminded me of being so young and carefree with my best friend.  
I remember walking in the halls with Holly in high school (such a long time ago ;)) and now my daughter and her nephew are holding hands walking together. It just gets me.
I have so many pictures of us from years ago, but I'm posting my favorite picture of us together ever. I love you so much.
"Like branches of a tree we grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one."

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